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Re: Is unlimited data in Hughesnet future?
I understand. But If I can get the same or close to the same speed I'm getting now, the larger data plan for approx. the same price is a better deal. They do have a short bonus period, 3-6am, but it's unlimited. I was curious if they'd slow the speed down to limit the amount you will get daily. But according to my neighbor, doesn't seem to be. But I'm still going to research and make sure. Like what was mentioned, the grass isn't always greener. I'm patient, and have plenty of time to research the blogs and get people's opinions. Thanks for the info!23KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Why in rual areas it cost more for less?
I see your point. If that's the case, then I'll switch. Excede is the better deal, and in this area, their speeds are more reliable than hughesnet. I understand there are unexpected issues that arise. But when you advertise a speed, it should be somewhat close to that speed on a continuous basis. If not, you should be able to annul the contract. Maybe I'm a little old fashion to think I should get what I pay for. Either way, I'll still contact customer support and at least ask. You never know what can happen. To give more data for an extra cost is an extremely simple process. The only road block, is the human on the other end of the phone. Thanks for the advice though. It was clear thinking for sure.9.3KViews0likes0CommentsRe: Why in rual areas it cost more for less?
Hello GabeU, Thanks for responding and Yes I can get gen5. But after reading some of the tech issues with Gen5 beams and slow speeds at night, I would need a guarantee in writing to protect my investment against faulty speed claims. But to be honest, here's my thinking. As posted below my cost per GB is pathetic. I don't want to renew for two years NOT knowing what the future holds for technology in my area, unless I have no choice. So I'm thinking since I've been a customer since 2012, it would be a good faith gesture to offer me the same price of gen5 data amounts for my current setup. Which is way better than I currently have. Bascially I'm paying $75 bucks for a 10GB plan with a 10GB bonus from 2-8am. The new plan closest to me would be the 30GB plan that has a 50GB bonus plan. See what I'm saying? The data is available in my area, I just didn't get the "Good Deal" of the hour. But like I said, I understand it's business, money, Etc. That's why I'm thankful I now have another choice. I can probably make the 30GB plan work, but I'm more interested in the 50GB plan. Game patches for the PS4, and Steam downloads can sometimes be large. I don't game "live" per say, because of the ping delay. But I should be able to at least download a game patch without using ALL my data. So my final thought is, I call up customer service and ask to pay the $99.99 per month for the 50GB plan and keep my Gen4. Hughesnet doesn't incure the cost of sending someone out to put a new dish and setup in my home, and I get the data I'd like to have at the gen4 speeds. Now the deal breaker would be guaranteed speeds. I know they say up to a certain speed. But there should be a guaranteed min speed so that customer aren't getting ripped off. It's a contract right? It shouldn't be one sided. It needs to be fair. If I'm paying for advertised speeds, let's not play word games and provide me whatI pay for.9.3KViews0likes2CommentsRe: Why in rual areas it cost more for less?
No worries. I know you're NOT rubbing it in my face. I just feel data raped. I know they change plans and such, but overall for what I pay, I'm getting a bad deal. As for the Excede speeds, my neighbor can stream netflix with no issue until his 12GB was used up. Then he said he just had to buffer the movie a bit, and was good to go. With my setup, I couldn't even buffer a netflix movie when my data was used up. It's that slow. But I'm optimistic HN will work with me on getting a better plan. If not, it's no big deal. I now have other options I can use.9.3KViews0likes4CommentsRe: Why in rual areas it cost more for less?
I'm Gen 4 Ultra plan so basically a 100 GB plan for $90. WTH!! I'm getting screwed to put it bluntly. I can't even get that plan. I pay $74.89 for 20GB. 10 day time and 10 bonus(2-8am). Well I'm going to bring this up in a customer service call. If they can offer me that plan or something close, I'll consider staying. If not, CYA! Wow when we all get together and complare plans, a person can really see when they are getting the GB shaft. It's really sad, but it's business. And that's how it goes. It's not about customer service in the end, it's about home much cash they can get from a customer. But I can see your point. You're better off staying put. But for me, it would be a huge upgrade. I'll pay for it, but it will be an upgrade for sure.12KViews0likes6CommentsRe: Why in rual areas it cost more for less?
Hello BirdDog, Yes I did read the fine print. Here is the actual writing, How much data usage is included in my unlimited data plan? On an unlimited data plan, there are no limits to how much data you can use during your monthly billing cycle. However, if you use more than 150 GB of data and the network is congested, ViaSat may prioritize your data behind other customers. Will my internet service be slower after I’ve used 150 GB of data? When the network is not busy, nothing will happen to your service speeds. When the network is busy, ViaSat may prioritize your data behind other customers, which will result in slower speeds. Web pages and videos may respond and load more slowly than during periods of non-congestion. But I'm wondering if the term "prioritizing" is a serious throttle down like I get with HN. When I go past my limit, I can barely pay bills online. It's really slow. I'm talking below crawling slow. And "May" can mean every once in a while or a lot. With today's pic and vid heavy laden pages, It's basically useless once your limit is up. It is what it is, and I understand that. Just bummed out that it's that way. I do have a neighbor that just switched to Excede, he went past his 12GB limit the first week. But he did say he was still able to watch a netflix movie, after buffer time of course, which is odd to me. That would never happen with my current HN setup. So I'm going to do some basic speed tests on his connection and some general surfing just to see and prove him right or wrong. Currently have some issues I'm going to post in the Tech section. But my biggest complaint is the amount of data for the dollar. I can't even download a patch for a new PS4 game. One game alone has a 17.5GB patch. There goes all my monthly data. I'm thinking the powers that be should really reconsider repricing to an updated size vs dollar. I actually do not mind a slightly slower speed if I have the data to use. Which is more important in the long run. But still hoping HN will consider an unlimited plan. If they don't, they will bleed a lot of customers in the near future. 50GB plans in today's internet and computing world, is almost useless. Unless you just check email or go to twitter/facebook.12KViews0likes8CommentsIs unlimited data in Hughesnet future?
Just curious if Hughesnet will ever get unlimited data. Excede has come into my area an offers it. Speeds up to 25mbps, unlimited data for $150 per month. $100 for the first 3 months. It's expensive, but when you consider unlimited data, it's worth it when you can get no other services. I've had average service with Hughesnet, it's just to expensive for the small amount of data you get. Even the 50GB plan for around $129 is laughable to be honest. For $20 more bucks I can get unlimited. Anyways, hoping you all change your minds and jump up to the future. Thanks!3.1KViews0likes0CommentsIs unlimited data in Hughesnet future?
Just curious if Hughesnet will ever get unlimited data. Excede has come into my area an offers it. Speeds up to 25mbps, unlimited data for $150 per month. $100 for the first 3 months. It's expensive, but when you consider unlimited data, it's worth it when you can get no other services. I've had average service with Hughesnet, it's just to expensive for the small amount of data you get. Even the 50GB plan for around $129 is laughable to be honest. For $20 more bucks I can get unlimited. Anyways, hoping you all change your minds and jump up to the future. Thanks!34KViews0likes57CommentsRe: Why in rual areas it cost more for less?
Honestly jimbo, Because they can charge what they want. When you have nothing it's supply and demand, nothing more. I pay 74.89 for the 20 gig plan. But I only get 10gig in the daytime hours and 10gb bonus( from 2am to 6am). Yes exactly! Rip off! But it's no bid deal. We now have UNLIMITED Exede in our area for $150 per month. Yes it's double the price, but unlimited is worth it. In my area, there have been several going to Excede. The speeds are slighly slower, but with unlimited, who cares. Just buffer your movie and watch it. I'll be switching soon, unless Hughesnet goes unlimited for a good price, because I feel I'm getting taken advantage of by Hughesnet. And seriously people, 20GB is NOTHING in today's world of technology. The plans should be a lot higher. Just my .0212KViews2likes10Comments