ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsIncorrect Information From Representative When Starting Service I work from home in my office, I have two landlines with Ooma, One is a dedicated fax line, I asked the representative if my landlines would still work correctly thru satelate? she said "yes it should" When I disconnected my cable, my landlines were not working properly. I called Ooma and they informed me to call HughesNet. The technicial representative told me that outside landlines DO NOT support satelate! Its been less then 30 days since I ordered HughesNet, and I need to cancel my service, and go back to cable, I was informed that if I cancelled early that there would be a $400.00 fee! I should NOT be charged a fee due to the lack of information the original representative did not know what she was talking about! Please advise? Solved