ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Cancellation billingThank you GabeU. This is the answer I was looking for. I needed it to be clarified, because HN doesn't exactly make it clear enough- at least not for me.Re: Cancellation billingSo when is my last payment due? Dec 20 or Jan 20? And, if it's Jan 20, why does my invoice (from app) say this: 'Promo10/20/19nullMonthly Credit (22 of 24)11/20/19-5.00null50Promo Service Credit10/20/19nullMonthly Credit (22 of 24)' It appears to me that I have already fulfilled 22 months of a 24 month contract, making my last payment due Dec 20., in which case, do I call to cancel BEFORE or AFTER this date, to avoid additional monthly payments, or early termination fees? Cancellation billingI started service Jan 20, 2017. My current (Oct 20 2019) invoice says I'm at 22 months. That means my 24th month should be Dec 20. At what date is it safe for me to call and cancel so I won't incur any additional charges, such as another month's bill or etf? I am aware of the unreturned equipment fee, but as of now, I am only concerned with other cancellation charges. Thank You. SolvedRe: Putting service on holdThanks, that's what I wanted to know.Putting service on holdMy 24 months is up Jan. 20. If I put my service on hold now until Dec. 20, can I call and have my service cancelled after that, (Dec 20) so that my last day of service would be Jan. 20, without etf?SolvedRe: Absolutely Useless. Lol, that's EXACTLY what they indicate- slow speeds, constant buffering, etc.. and for people on fixed incomes, there is only ONE choice. GabeUwrote: Dis-satisfiedwrote: Some people only have ONE choice of Internet providers and HN certainly takes advantage of this fact, seeing that they charge exhorbitant prices for next-to-nothing bandwidth. Satellite internet is the most expensive form of internet, per capita, to both provide and maintain. As well, the majority of HughesNet's 1.3 million customers seem to have no problems with them, or at least they don't indicate so online. Plenty of bandwidth here. If you have an issue, take advantage of the HughesNet SUPPORT Community and ask for help. Re: Absolutely Useless. Some people only have ONE choice of Internet providers and HN certainly takes advantage of this fact, seeing that they charge exhorbitant prices for next-to-nothing bandwidth.