Data usage per day
1 TopicFigure daily usage
I have 50 gigs to use in 31 days and now that more than half the month is gone I know that I should have more than enough to last through February 1 with 67% left but I need assistance with ciphering data usage from this point on. Math was not my forte in school. I was lucky to have the internet come along. I have 33,535 megabytes left to use in 11 days. I want to figure out how many megabytes/gigabytes can be used per day to the end of the month without going over. I can’t just divide 33,535 by 11 days since only 18 hours out of 24 are Anytime hours, 6 are Bonus hours. So 18 hrs times 11 days equals 198 hours. 33,535 megabytes divided by 198 = 169.3 which should be megabytes per hour. 169.3 meg/hr times 18 hrs in a day = 3047.4 mb. per day which is 3.0 gigabytes which can be used per day until the end of the month. I want to use the highest definition I can without blasting thru it. Is this correct and is there an easier way to do this?Solved2.8KViews0likes3Comments