Overall Internet
First off, let me say that I completely hate the HughsNet internet / streaming. I live in the middle of what used to be a horse pasture, with no trees around me at all. There should be no interference because of this. From the get go, almost 2 years ago, we haven't been able to stream ANY television and the internet has been even worse at times. I have trouble opening the internet on a daily basis, whether it's night or day. I'm constantly reconnecting or even restarting altogether. So if the ads say HughesNet is great for country people there's no truth to it. Some people may like it, but I don't. So I'm here to tell you all that in August when my contract is up, I fully intend to cancel this and try something else. Mike from Farmerville, Louisiana1.8KViews0likes1Commentroku, streaming, hulu, vudu, Netflix
my roku reads my speed as 0 or somtimes 1Mbps, when I do speed test on my phone I get 35 Mbps 1ms latency. However I cannot load Vudu at all, I have to sign in to hulu evertime and then hit retry several times before it will load, and now Netflix is acting up. I don't know what to do. Should I but a new roku if so which one? I was wondering if the roku with the ethernet port would work better instead of using my wireless connection like I do now? Please help thank you3.1KViews0likes2Comments