1 TopicRunaway Email
Hi, this isn't really a technical issue but I was unsure where else to put it. While I can't complain about the service since it's performed quite acceptably for a long time now I do have two concerns over email. The first is the load time after the request for my name. After that it says 'redirecting' where it will stall for 20 to 30 seconds but sometimes long enough that it times out. I've closed all other applications even rebooting the modem and computer but nothing reduces the load time. Actually, if it didn't time out I could live with this so the second issue is spam. I donate to a few worthy causes and while they all post that my info will remain secret it's obvious that someone is lying. My email address has been passed out, or sold, to companies that I would have nothing to do with even if I was rich, blind, and mentally impaired. Of course, this has nothing to do with Hughes but in an effort to reduce the upwards of 100 to 125 unwanted emails daily I label them SPAM which I assumed would result in those email addresses being blocked but they aren't. I understand their use of different addresses in an effort to circumvent such actions but I've recorded the addresses from one logon to the next and they are identical. So what is the purpose of being able to categorize email as spam? Many of these pests place an option on their email that if I wish to be removed from their list simply click 'here' but it turns out that is simply a way to confirm to these ne'er-do-wells that their spam has reached a living breathing person thereby increasing the asking price when my name is offered for sale again. (makes me feel kind of cheap) So, information on the spam label would be greatly appreciated. DaveSolved7.6KViews0likes1Comment