Are you sure the money isn't just on a temporary hold from your bank account? Electronic payments are often a two step process. First, a company sends through a request to the account for a hold for the specific amount of funds. When that request is made, the specific amount is then held from the account balance. The money is still there, it's just now not a part of the available balance. The money is held aside in lieu of the second step, which is the confirmation, or actual request for the money transfer from the account to said company. Within a few days (or sooner), said company performs that second step, requesting the actual transfer of those funds, at which point the money that was on hold is released to said company as the payment.
So, it's possible that HughesNet has sent out that first 'hold' request, but not yet the actual request for the fund transfer.
This is just a guess. If you're a new customer and didn't specifically request manual payment, payments are automatically withdrawn from the account you set the service up with.