Billing cycle and cancellation.
So, we decided to cancel HN... No, not a 'rage quit'. We've been using for over three years, and I actually understood the shortcomings of geostationary satellite before we got it. But it was all we could get at this location, so we got-by. But now there is a better option we've been testing-out.
We figured to keep HN and the new Internet side-by-side until close to the end of the billing cycle to make sure the new source was going to work well. It does, so today the wife (account is in her name) called to cancel. (Really wish I could've done it. Y'all can't be taxing the patience of an ornery Scotch-Irish woman with an hour of run-around like that!)
Anyway, the rep insists that out billing cycle ends on the seventh, when the "MY ACCOUNT" page says in big print that: