Forum Discussion
Cancelation Fee for Gen 5
If you got Gen5 on 6/21/17, and it put you in a new two year contract, which I believe it does, your ETF should be around $265. It's $400 for the first 90 days, then $15 less each month thereafter.
The ETF for HughesNet voice is $10 times the number of months left in the Voice contract.
With that said, though, a rep will have to tell you for sure, as the contract thing might be different due to you upgrading to solve a problem. I don't know that it is, I'm just saying that the reps will have to tell you for sure.
But, this is the General Discussion section, which isn't for HughesNet Support. If you're looking to cancel the service, you should repost this in the "MyAccount and Billing" section. If you're looking to address the technical issues you're experiencing, you should post in the Tech Support section.
On a side note: Keep in mind that, even though HughesNet's Voice service is meant to be reliable, and certainly more reliable than you've been experiencing, satellite internet (and Voice) isn't exactly what one would consider absolutely reliable. If there's bad weather or the power goes out, you've got no phone. And though I've no doubt you've already thought of this, if you can get cell service you might want to think about something like a cheap tracfone just in case of emergencies and when you have nothing else. You can get really cheap ones and the pay as you go plans can be cheap, as well (I pay a little over $20 for three months of service). Just a thought.
Hello CSPMONE, thank you for posting on the community. I was investigating your Gen 5 upgrade and listened to the call you made to upgrade the service. During the call, the representative informed you of the new 24-month commitment, and you agreed to it. When the agent read the terms and conditions, you also agreed to the service agreement which you can read here:
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