Yep. It's the new norm for us 20-somethings and below..people using their wifi to connect to their phones/tablets...snapchat videos, instagram videos, facebook videos, hulu, netflix, youtube...I mean those are platforms that a typical young person would check every day on their home internet--especially if they don't have unlimited data on their phone plans. People don't realize how much they stream, but it tallies up when you consider all those short videos you stop and watch while scrolling through feeds, checking a dozen snapchat stories, watching a few episodes of TV on hulu each week, watching a movie or two or three on netflix each week...checking out a few videos friends send you each week..I don't have cable, so I watch all my shows via internet..I probably keep up with 10 shows each week, each about 50 minutes..I keep up with videos on youtube from my two favorite vloggers and my favorite segments from Ellen and The Tonight Show. I watch various videos on facebook that I get tagged in, messaged, or they simply show up in my feed and they look interesting. I got rid of snapchat, but I watch instagram videos every day now..which probably adds up to an hour each week. Granted, I do a lot of streaming on my cellular network..the point is that people are streaming a lot more than they realize, because they don't do it all at once. Plus I'm a typical Netflix binge-watcher..watched Strangers Things season 2 in two days, watched 13 Reasons Why straight (stayed up all night). I'm a super introvert and I live alone so it's not uncommon for me to wind down at night, and, sometimes, even sacrifice sleep for me-time with my TV. Trust me..this is extremely normal for the younger generations. Brains are evolving, as scientists are discovering, and younger brains are starting to need a lot more stimulation to function properly..within a decade, the "ADHD brain" is going to be the new normal, and people with what are now "nuerotypical brains" will be considered abnormal and needing accomodations. Crazy how humans adapt to the world around them.