Forum Discussion
The one hour time limit on edits...
- 8 years ago
Hi GabeU,
Thanks for posting. Let's try out an unlimited time to edit your own posts. At the very least, if there's any question about what was initially posted, the mods can see the edit history for everything.
While I agree that the one hour limit ... limits one the a single hour .... it pales to the fact that posting a reply that has more content than text butchers the reply to the point where the reply is useless.
Gwalk900, do you mean there's a limit to how long a post can be? ETA: I'm sure there's some kind of a limit.... I meant an unreasonably short one.
- Gwalk9008 years agoHonorary Alumnus
No limit on how long the posts can be. Sure need the edit capacity to remove the trashed and garbled replies related to graphics that get trashed.
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Hi GabeU,
Thanks for posting. Let's try out an unlimited time to edit your own posts. At the very least, if there's any question about what was initially posted, the mods can see the edit history for everything.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Thanks, Liz.
For certain situations that will be very helpful to people. And it's good that you mods can see the edit history so edits that shouldn't be done once replied to can be reverted by you. We all know that kind of edit can cause problems.
It's too bad that it can't be set up to have it where a post can't be edited once replied to, but I know different community sites have different options and different rules, so hopefully no one will take advantage of this new ability in the wrong way. But, again, that you guys can see all edits is very good insurance against that.
I know the boards are still a work in progress, and with everyone giving their ideas it can end up being a great experience for all.
Thanks again.
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