5 years agoModerator
Favorite Books?
It's National Library Sheflie Day! If you have a local library, or even a small home library/single bookshelf/nightstand with a book on it that you've been neglecting for months, you can share a shel...
I do own the entire Hush run but it's hidden somewhere in one of my long boxes.
I used to rotate the books on the wall regularly, but I've gotten lazy on that recently. Batman #612 was up on the wall for a long time!
Of course there's this, too.
That's actually one I don't own in a first print, just the graphic novel form. It's on a short list of books I need to buy :smileyfrustrated:
I have it digitally, which is fine for me. I can't justify the space for what I would have accumulated and disk space is cheap.
I used to have lots of long boxes of golden age comics (40s-60s) back in the mid-60s. They disappeared in one of our moves.
Worth adding that I used to have original newspaper-style copies of Rolling Stone and the first few years of Heavy Metal in the 70s. My hoarding skills started early.
If you need to offload any other comics, I'll send you my address. :smileywink: