Forum Discussion
PLEASE ADVISE//Beyond Frustrated
Not only do I understand the frustration but have been experiencing it for 3 months Endless phone calls with 1-2 hours on with people who only use your data running the same insane speed tests they do each and every time. Now they are trying to bill avredit card I used for original install and saying thats how they do it. I gave no authorization for this and am now being told that to send apaper bill it is an adittional 5.00 per month. Ihave not had decent internet in this entire three months and all I get is phone calls asking how the service is and if you are not happy they never follow up. The option is to demand to be let out of their ridiculous contract with no penalty. I fully intend to hit social media with every lie they have told and the lies and ommisions of their sales teams and also with the regulatory agencies who oversee companies that cheat and lie to seniors.Good luck to all those who are suffering with what has to be the worst internet and customer service I have ever seen.
I’m super sorry that this is happening to you too. I do believe there are people at Hughes net that wanted to help, but for some reason it is too difficult for them to give you access to a manager and it seems as if billing and tech support do not talk to one another. I’d like to think that all the people who I talk to who were kind and helpful really thought they could guarantee us a solution or help and I believe they really thought that what they told us would be honored. Often times I talked to someone at a slightly higher up level to confirm what they said. I feel you on the 1 to 2 hour phone calls as well. I started logging them in the Winter. I’m truly hoping I can get somewhere with our situation. I hope the same for you. It is been extremely confusing this whole process all of it. When we move to a more rural location we had to get rid of AT&T for our Internet. We kept it for our landline. We were under contract and it was very easy to get out of. Super simple billing, super simple with regard to customer service, and Super simple with regard to resolution. It literally took one phone call. I don’t know about your Hughes net bills but ours don’t even show you the date of service. So you really have no idea what months you are paying for.
- Amanda7 years agoModerator
Thanks for reaching out to us here in our community. I want to do everything I can to help get things resolved for you. I've already located your account and will do a thorough investigation, including a sales call review if one is available. It may take another business day to all of this, at least the top level things, but I will keep you updated along the way. Your patience is appreciated.
Thank you,
- Amanda7 years agoModerator
Actually, just spoke with one of my coworkers here in Executive Customer Care who let me know they are handling your case. He should be in touch with you regarding a resolution soon.
- Exhausted7 years agoSophomoreThank you, Amanda! I look forward to talking with him.
I received an email today from Nadia Carter (who, from the sound of it, looks like didn’t read my email). I tried sending emails on the Hughes site, but had character limitations and had to send 1, 2, 3, etc.,. She likely was responding to one of those & didn’t understand the history or situation.- Amanda7 years agoModerator
We haven't heard from you in a while so this thread will be closed. Please feel free to reach out to your assigned corporate representative if you need further assistance on this issue.
Thank you,
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