Forum Discussion
5 years agoModerator
Public Sleeping (MY WORST NIGHTMARE)
Okay, so, not really my worst nightmare, but something I've never been comfortable doing. Everytime I go to NYC, I always see people sleeping in public. On the subway, in a cab, on a bench, the park,...
5 years agoModerator
I ' m s l e e p i n g r i g h t n o w .
5 years agoModerator
- Liz5 years agoModerator
Standing up. At my desk.
But for real, I'm one of those people who can sleep anywhere. When I used to commute via Metro, I would always sleep then.
- maratsade5 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
- Liz5 years agoModerator
LOL! I wouldn't get THAT comfortable.
Ugh, I just remembered this unbelievable woman who sat next to me on a flight once. She was in the middle seat and her husband at the window. She angled herself to rest her head on his lap, so sure enough, she ended up kicking me as she readjusted in her sleep. I had to wake her up so she could stop, and she had the nerve give ME the stink eye.
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