Forum Discussion
I need a bridge
HN has a lovely idea in their extender - except that there's no ethernet port for me to connect a device that isn't wi-fi. I'm not particularly tech savy (I can help wrench an old flathead but arthritis gets in the way). On a fixed income, I'm really frugal. Is someone more knowledgeable with this tech able and willing to show me what interface device is reliable and has a non-voliatble memory (I live in the mountains) as well as congruent with HN?
I do not, unfortunately, short of hard wiring things.
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
The mods are on site during business hours M-F, and they should be able to help.
- OldSnagFreshman
Thanks. Lookinh at converting the output to wifi with one device and then adding another to be a wi-fi extender ...?
I have to span a fenced yard, from the garage to my home to receive the output of my security system. Folk fleeing the cities are a nightmare in a forest, clueless, luring mountain lions, bears, and coyotes in close, in numbers. Add in illegal growers and the elements that attrracts and now the system has to go live indoors. The bandwidth on the 5GHz band won't be an issue as there won't be anything else logged on after my partner logs off at the end of the day and I can download any system alerts (it has facial recognition as well as motion detection and continuous recording in HD).
Kudon to HN for getting us through the surge in telecommuters last year, when the landline infrastructures crashed repeatedly!
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