3000w modem/router - bridge mode
Well new to this system. But started adding more routers to their router, I am having problem as I found out that the router they gave me is in bridge mode. So I have no primary router to handle other routers to keep my cameras, games and tv systems on track.
So called, sorry but that is how we set it up. No that's not what I want I am the customer paying for it. It should be smooth transition.
Also it comes double Nat - meaning the IP's will collide. I have a large house and 2 acres with a 5 car garage which has a system set up out there with tv and stereo with cameras. I need to watch for my husband as he is 3/4 blind, cant hear and has a very bad back. He fell once crack 8 ribs. So I need my cameras.
Anyway, last words from them "well your having problems because you are not using our hughesnet equipment, so it does not work your way to bad." I am going to experiment moving cables around, and if that dont work well then on to some other company an see if they lie as well as this company. It seems no one knows really how this works.