I had called my system installer the morning of the day you replied to my post. They were sending a tech out, at their expense, to double check my system. He left just a bit ago. Installed a new modem as the one I had would not send out a wifi signal for some reason after enabling the signals. He checked the dish and connections, etc. Everything checked out okay other than the modem wifi signal.
Unfortunately, it has had no positive impact on the wired signal speeds, although it is a cloudy/rainy day off and on today. I will check some speeds again as the weather improves just in case things have gotten better for clear days.
So, not rebooting the modem was a wash....sorry. Hopefully from here on out you will still be able to get some stats after several days or beginning of next week, etc. that can help.
Not your department I suppose nor are you authorized to guess at problems, but a thought is that because my recent Gen4 speeds were actually higher often than should've been able to get and the Gen5 much slower than it should be, is it possible that when so many were migrating to the Gen5 from Gen 4 that it opened up the network, less congestion, and therefore faster speeds on the Gen4 but at the same time slowing down the Gen5 beyond expectation? Just a thought.
Thanks again and I will do more tests on this new modem as the weather clears.