Forum Discussion
"MY ACCOUNT" secure or not?
A while back someone asked why My Account doesn't seem to be a secure site.
Was there a response from HN?
If there was a response I can't find the thread.
Is My Account still not secure?
Hi Reggie,
I know it's been a while, but I wanted to update you on this topic. I was informed recently that an update was done which addressed secure pages for myAccount across the board.
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
I just checked and it still says it's not a secure connection.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
- AmandaModerator
Hi Gabe -
Disclaimer I am not an expert on this topic nor is this any official answer: I assume that this means the login process and redirects during the login process are all secure. So in order to get to your actual account information you'd have to pass through a secure login area. If I am seeing everything correctly, credit card or banking information inputs are on secure popups too. To me the message about not putting in your info to the site because it can be seen doesn't apply, since the places you input your payment info into is not entered or stored on the "unsecure" page.
I think there is some differentiating between Info/Not Secure vs Not Secure/Dangerous. Ref:
We're still waiting but just wanted to throw in my 2 kopeks
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IV
Yes, the popups for credit card info are definitely secure. I was only showing that the main page wasn't secure, though the sign on info is.
With that said, I was just a litlte concerned about the Account Information and Profile page, which also includes personal info (though not as important as credit card info or anything like that), but isn't secure. There's also no indication of whether the popups for changing personal info, like email, phone number or address, is secure.
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