Forum Discussion
- 5 years ago
lm8542 wrote:The top part of my post was omitted somehow without me being aware of it. Needless to say I have been using Hughesnet since 2011 and have been playing wow (world of warcraft) with the expected latency on both gen 4 and gen 5 after upgrade. The latency was playable and between 400ms-1200ms depending on the time of day. But last year I had to suspend playing this game because I thought it was the game as they released a new update. However, after contacting blizzard tech support and giving them my winMTR results I was told by the tech that it was a hughesnet problem and my first post is part of his reply to my request for help.
Level3 is a known problem. It's a serious bottleneck. Basically, anything owned by Qwest has been having trouble with WoW players. Lucky for me, almost everything goes through a Quest server on my route, so I experience monsterous latency. So WoW playing is nearly impossible.
The only solution is for HughesNet to route around the problem servers, though after talking with a very high up person, that is a major undertaking.
Qwest won't help unless you are their customer.
Could you post your original post in full? (You said some of it was cut off) That might help.
lm8542 wrote:Thanks for posting. wikipedia says Level 3 communications officially merged with centurylink in November 2017. Most updated info I could find.
Yeah, they are a serious problem child for World of Warcraft players. You'll see huge hangtimes from them.
If you go to the technical support forums and search for centurylink, you'll see a tsunami of complaints about them.
Centurylink will tell you go pound sand. They don't care.
HughesNet can complain, since they are the the next link in the chain. They are aware of the problem, but don't know if they have done anything about it. They can reroute around them, but as I said, it's a massive undertaking according to the high-level I talked to. So don't look for that to happen either.
Honestly, there's not much that can be done by you other than to eat it and continue to play, accepting the impossible latency spike, or stop playing and save the money.
Wish I had better news.
Maybe CenturyLink will eventually fix it.
It is not possible to play.
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