Forum Discussion
9 years agoHonorary Alumnus
Post for GabeU
Gabe, can you please grab a few router screenshots for me ?
LAN IP check (manual says
LAN IP setup and DHCP pages:
Manual config:
Device Administration:
Dynamic setup screen:
Wireless security screen options:
That will get the ball rolling,
- yorkytime1New PosterOh Gwalk I just saw your post. Thanks. Now I get it. I remember Xoxo was getting one.
- yorkytime1New PosterGwalk, I think your recomendation for the ASUS is fantastic. I've gotten all devices and outside wireless surveillance cameras all set up and running smoothly. I did have to put in a repeater for the camera that is farthest away from the ASUS router...but so far it is getting excellent signal.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IVI'd love one of those ASUS routers. I've had great luck with all of the ASUS products I've purchased over the years, and one of those routers that can run the Merlin software would be fantastic. But, for me, it simply wouldn't be worth it. I primarily use a desktop and only use my laptop between maybe 5%-10% of the time, and no other devices beyond that, so a very basic router is fine for me. Still, that doesn't relieve me of my envy. LOL.
- yorkytime1New PosterGabeU, I have a fairly large home with laptop computers throughout that I use depending on which room I'm in. Plus my tablet that I can carry around. I have a laptop connected to my embroidery machine so I can send designs from my main computer to my embroidery machine through the network. Plus smartphones and hubby's kindle. It is so great to have this router now that keeps track of everyone's usage. Like today.....hubby left his kindle connected and the data began to drain. I caught it immediately and told him to disconnect. Then there are also two wireless printers and the wireless cameras. Great now to see what all devices are doing during the day. And hubby uses his desktop computer too. This ASUS is just fantastic.
- GabeUDistinguished Professor IVThere should be a "community" Asus router that can be sent from customer to customer when they are having phantom data usage problems. LOL.
- yorkytime1New PosterLOL right. It is the best purchase I've made since becoming a hughesnet customer.
- Well shooot guys, I noticed you all posting this several days ago but didn't realize it was in preparation of the router being shipped to me.
Is there anything I need to be doing ahead of the router arriving? - GabeUDistinguished Professor IVNothing I can think of. If you keep backups of your computer maybe make a backup just before the new router is "installed." Maybe just make sure that your computer is clean by running your AV scans and such. Make sure you have a spot for it. Other than this, I can't think of anything.
- alrighty, will do, I'll let you all know when it arrives. I don't actually know if it's been shipped or not..I never verified my physical/shipping address with anyone so hopefully it will get here okay.
My Walmart order (via FedEx) has been bouncing back and forth between Bloomington, CA and Las Vegas, NV for the last 8 days now. ROFL! - Guess what MAY be heading in my direction this afternoon?
I just got a call from a very lost and confused UPS delivery man who has a package for me. I've not been expecting any kind of delivery via UPS so I can only guess it must be the router WooHoo!
He is still some 45 miles away but I gave him very detailed directions on how to get to my house...and just so long as he doesn't turn right instead of left at the 2nd tumbleweed, and goes straight onto the dirt road instead of off in another direction...he should get here by 5pm :P
I doubt this poor UPS driver will be putting a big in for the permanent position. Our wonderful UPS driver Chuck, after 15 years of delivering packages out here, and some 30 years of service with UPS, retired about 2 weeks ago. His route has been taken over temporarily by several different drivers, none of who are to thrilled at having to drive out this way.
*He could of easily thrown the package alongside the one would of any the wiser, lol (OOOPS!) but he didn't...I've got some left over shortbread and some other baked goodies I made over the I'm going to put a plate together as a little 'thank you' just to show my appreciation.
*for those who may take that out of context (you know who you are)...
there is a huge difference between 'brown nosing' and 'not wanting to burn your bridges* when your services are limited. I choose not to burn my bridges...
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