Forum Discussion
Avoid HughesNet at all costs! Sales Misrepresentation
I got HughesNet for the first time about 4 months ago. The Sales Reps are extremely misrepresenting the service. I indicated to the sales rep that I lived in a rural town and that intended to use my internet service for streaming tv services because I am a cord-cutter. The sales rep specifically stated that I would be able to do that. Additionally, he stated that once my data runs out I would still be able to stream on at least one device just not multiple devices. I cancelled my service after just 4 months due the very unreliable service. I disagreed that I should have had to pay the ETF but the account manager I spoke was unhelpful and obviously did not care about customer service or customer satisfaction. The sales reps tell will bend the truth to get you to purchase their service. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND AGAINST HughesNet. Shame on me for not reading more reviews prior to my selection of this company, lesson learned!
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
You agreed to a contract -- you ended it early, you had to pay a fine. This is normal with ISPs. Your experience sounds very negative, but many customers have a very good experience. If you're out of the game, you should go complain elsewhere, as this is a support site for those who wish to fix whatever issues they may have. It is not a site for whining. Enjoy your next ISP (it's likely you will have issues too, as none of them are issue-free).
- debbie.jean.broAdvanced TutorHi Alisha,
Obviously I cannot speak to your experience since I wasn't there, but I can say that's not everybody's experience. I've had Hughesnet for a couple of years now and have been extremely satisfied with it. My salesperson was very honest and explained the program accurately. I took (and continue to take) steps to conserve data. I watch video in the lowest definition possible. I download a lot of stuff in the middle of the night. I rarely run out of data and I only get 20 gb per month because that's the maximum allowable in my area. The three times I've run short due to binge watching a series, I've paid a little extra and now I have like 40 gb in the bank.
To be honest, we watch very little in the way of video. My daughter watches maybe 15 min. worth of YouTube in a week, and the few things I watch on Amazon, I tend to watch during bonus time because I have the luxury of working my own hours, so I can sleep in if I want to. I use the internet primarily for research and I use it 5-10 hours per day. And I usually have gb to spare at the end of the month.
As far as customer service goes, it's been excellent. I'm fortunate that my service has always been great, and the one time I had a small issue, I PM'd a moderator and it was resolved within two hours, no muss, no fuss.
If you were truly misled, you can request that a moderator review the tape of your original sales call. If the salesperson misled you, there may be a remedy. If you scroll up in this forum, you will see where that actually just happened.
Debbie - InstallerSophomore
Hughesnet (or satellite internet in general) is NOT a substitute for television viewing. You are correct. You should have done your research before ordering the service. This is a mistake that many people make. The sales person did not lie to you. You were just trying to roll a Mercedes-Benz off the lot for the price of a Toyota Corrolla. Don't blame the sales process. Be a better consumer.
- pianoman01New MemberYou are absolutely right.
Hi pianoman01, I see you're new, so let me be the first to welcome you to the community and thanks for posting! If you have any concerns, please start your own thread expressing in detail what issues you have under our "myAccount and Billing" category, where you'll get better assistance.
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