Forum Discussion
Interesting nuggets from the subscriber contract
Protection against, "Your service was down so I couldn't sell my stock, and now I'm out $XXX. You owe me!" or "Because I couldn't submit my contract on time, due to your service being down because it was snowing, I lost my job. You owe me $XXX"
For all intents and purposes, legally speaking, they don't owe anyone anything due to this recent outage. However, as we've seen, they do sometimes compensate, like with the Tokens during the last wide outage.
- maratsade7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Yes, they do compensate sometimes, which is more than I can say for other companies (I'm looking at you, V---on, and X---ty).
- Reggie7 years agoTeaching Assistant
I know this is off topic.
If my electric go out for days. Is the electric company going to replace all the home grown beef and my store bought ice cream?
- maratsade7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Well, I never had any luck with my electric company about that. I've had outages lasting for 7 to 10 days due to hurricanes, and not a peep from the electric company.
Lowe's gave me $250 to compensate me for food gone bad in a refrigerator that kicked the bucket 18 months after I bought it. That was part of the extended warranty, but $250 was the limit. I lost more than that, but it was better than nothing, and they were very prompt about it without me having to jump through any hoops.
I also never got anything from the phone company when the land line was dead for over 10 days. I finally cancelled the land line because it was dead more often than it was alive and it just wasn't worth it.
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