Forum Discussion

GabeU's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
7 years ago

Remember this experience?

I was going through some old pictures and found a couple I had forgotten I had.  This is one of them.  This was at Fort Knox.  Anyone who's been through this never forgets it, nor how ten boxes of Kleenex wouldn't be enough.  :p 


  •   LOL!


      Were any of us ever so young?


      I managed to weasel out of the gas chamber in 1967, because I'd had rheumatic fever as a child.  Just marching behind everybody else whose uniforms were saturated with tear gas, was enough for me!  By the time we got back I was crying and coughing like everyone else.

    • Amanda's avatar

      My other half did this a bit over 10 years ago. Makes you wonder what they have the new gen of kids doing in training now.

      • Amanda wrote:

        My other half did this a bit over 10 years ago. Makes you wonder what they have the new gen of kids doing in training now.

          I don't know about right now, but I shutter to think about it.  My son went through Army basic training in 1994, between his junior and senior years in high school, and I was disgusted to hear that they were now allowed to run in running shoes.  IMO if you're going to go to war wearing combat boots, that's what you should train with.   Makes me wonder if the training has become even softer since then.