Forum Discussion

GabeU's avatar
Distinguished Professor IV
7 years ago

Retro Gaming...

Gotta love it.  :)  



It may be hard to tell from the picture, but the controller on the left is USB, while the one on the right is Bluetooth.  Right now I have about twenty games on the system, ranging from the Atari 2600 to the Super Nintendo.  Inside the Super Nintendo-esque console is a Raspberry Pi 3B+. 


One of these days I may get adventurous and download a prebuilt image, which would include hundreds of games from various systems.  

  • GabeU, very cool! I gave up on video gaming when the first Nintendo came out and my four year old son could demolish me at Super Mario Bros, haha! Best purchase we ever made was when we moved from CA to WA and we bought each of our three kiddos a Game Boy, which we gave them when we boarded the plane. Not one peep out of them the entire flight, lol! They are all in their 30's now and wish they still had them!
    • GabeU's avatar
      Distinguished Professor IV



      My brother and I got an Atari for Christmas in 1981.  It was fun, and we played it a lot, but we didn't really end up getting into the video game craze.  Years later, in 1993, I bought a Super Nintendo and a few games.  It was fun, but again, I didn't really get caught up in the craze.  Plus, at that point, I was on my own and working full time, so there wasn't a whole lot of time to game.  


      Now being "retired", I have a bit more time on my hands, so something like this thing is fun.  I was never really all that into action games like the majority of people, but rather the slow paced, role playing games.  Then again, I do have a few of the classics installed, like Space Invaders, Frogger and Donkey Kong.  Plus, Super Mario Brothers.  :p 


      I love these Raspberry Pi computers.  The number of things you can do with them is endless, and this is just one of them, though it may very well be the most popular.  

      • debbie.jean.bro's avatar
        Advanced Tutor

        We got an Atari for Christmas from a family friend when I was in high school. It ruined our TV and my mother was furious, haha!

        I'm sorry to post this here, but as I cannot start a new topic and I couldn't find help in a search, I don't know where else to ask.

        I've been trying to start a new topic in "general discussion" for an hour. My problem is I am required to put in a "label" and I have no clue what my options are. I've tried about a dozen and they've all been rejected. I don't recall having to do that in the past, but if I did, I've forgotten. Could you give me some examples of acceptable labels, TIA!!