So Slow
I have been trying to get a decent speed since 6 am. The speed has ranged from a high of about 10 to a low of .3. I have run speed tests many time this morining. I have noticed the servers used changed from test to test. This service sucks, big time. 4 hours to download a large audio file (@ .4 speed)! There have been times in the past when the speed was up at 37. But you can't count on that. Mostly frustrating and impossible to stream video of any length.
Unless you really must have the internet, don't subscribe to this service. Now I must wait another 18 months to cancel it or pay $400 penalty. Take my advice - read a book - listen to the radio - take a walk, forget the "Information Age" unless you can get Xfinity cable. I think Hughes must need more satelites to improve, but even if they do I will never use them again or any other Dish product !!