Forum Discussion

MarkJFine's avatar
7 years ago

You know you're a runner when...

You get up at 2am to run at 6, because it's supposed to be real warm.

You've already eaten a carby-ish breakfast and had coffee by 3 (I prefer to not eat/drink 3hrs prior to a run).

Then a severe thunderstorm ensues promptly at 3:30. So now there's no going back to bed.


Otherwise known as... summer. #RunnerProblems

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    "You get up at 2am to run at 6"

    Yes, runner is one word for it.  LOL


    But seriously, kudos to you for being so dedicated. 

    • MarkJFine's avatar

      ...the word is: "Bonkerz" lol

      I know. It's not normal. But it's necessary to ensure my system is, how should we say, effectively 'cleared out' so I don't pull a Gary Lineker (e.g., World Cup 1990, for those that don't know) in the middle of a 10k.

      • maratsade's avatar
        Distinguished Professor IV

        I'd say nutter. LOL


        I remember what happened to Lineker.  I'm glad you take precautions to make sure the system is shipshape and Bristol fashion. :)