Forum Discussion

David Landsboro's avatar
11 years ago

Is there a way to block our son's ability to purchase tokens or password protect it?

  • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
    Associate Professor
    Simple answer... No.

    Long answer...  If you wish to block ordering tokens, you will need to place a block in your router on the websites you can order tokens from.

    Best answer...  Get rid of his computer time if he purchases them?
  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor
    I guess I'm old fashioned, believe in the "disobeying your parents has consequences" rule.
  • Gwalk900's avatar
    Honorary Alumnus
    Place a password on the computer, create a limited user account on the computer just for him, then set up parental controls within Windows.

    Teach him that trust is earned. Do it now or try to do when he is 18 or 20.

    Monitor your data allowance, supervise his internet access.
  • Hello David,

    This is a great idea and we'll be sure to pass it along to our developers. However, allow me to place some input. We have 3 areas in which tokens can be purchased: Support Center (Password Protected), Customer Care Site (Requires SAN and Zip Code) and our Status Meter.

    Over the years we received requests to streamline the ability to purchase tokens through the Status Meter and password protecting that would virtually defeat the purpose of that feature. I do understand there are more options to solving this problem, like the ability to opt-in or out of the ability to buy tokens. We'll pass it over to the developers and see what they can come up with.

    Thank you,
  • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
    Associate Professor
    In all honesty, it would be highly possible for users to have a setting in the Status Meter to select for password protecting token purchases, thus making it impossible to purchase via the status meter without inputting the password.  As for buying from the CCS, a similar approach could be taken requiring the last four digits of the customers Debit/Credit card that is on file...

    Or best yet, just have an Opt-Out on the system to restrict token purchases entirely.
  • Gwalk900's avatar
    Honorary Alumnus

    Would not restricting his Internet access to only a "white list" of websites using the built-in Parental Controls within Windows accomplish the same thing ?

  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor
    Don't remember for Windows 7 but with 8.1 you can setup a child's user account which restricts usage and can also have it so the Status Meter doesn't even appear.
  • I agree with you Christopher!

    It may be an early night for on my facebook page editing poems! hahaha