Forum Discussion

yamilking's avatar
6 years ago

worst company ever

worst experiance with internet with this company!!!!! 

I got a 20G plan for 70$ I was recomend it this plan because I used to watch netflix and so. What happend than those 20G longlast 1or 2 days then my internet get reduce in speed at level that I cant do anything trought, but they got TOKENS if you want that speed back I feel I been robery. I am still with tou guy because the contract but I am looking to cancel it. I beging a campain of tp inform as many people I can about your trashy service. I call the customer service call center to ask for help with my situation and you guys instructed me too turno off al my device that consume internet hahahahaha a no other solution was provide for me, what a joke.


bades decision taken in my life chose Hughes Net


  • yamilking 


    HughesNet is not made for cord cutting.  Considering Netflix uses around 3GB per hour in HD, 700 per hour in SD and 350MB per hour in LD, even the 50GB plan would be nowhere near large enough for those who stream on a regular basis.  


    The only solutions for you concern both limiting your streaming and reducing the resolution of the stream to use less data, as well as locking all devices down so that they don't use more data than is necessary.  


    If you feel that the sales rep did not set appropriate expectations during your sales call and it's been no more than about three months since that call, you can start a new topic in the "myAccount and Billing" section and ask for a "sales call review" to be performed.  Depending on what's found in that review you may have recourse regarding the Early Termination Fee when cancelling the service.  


    Performing activities that exhaust your data in two days doesn't make HughesNet a trashy service.  

  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV



    HughesNet is not made for cord cutting.  Considering Netflix uses around 3GB per hour in HD, 700 per hour in SD and 350MB per hour in LD, even the 50GB plan would be nowhere near large enough for those who stream on a regular basis.  


    The only solutions for you concern both limiting your streaming and reducing the resolution of the stream to use less data, as well as locking all devices down so that they don't use more data than is necessary.  


    If you feel that the sales rep did not set appropriate expectations during your sales call and it's been no more than about three months since that call, you can start a new topic in the "myAccount and Billing" section and ask for a "sales call review" to be performed.  Depending on what's found in that review you may have recourse regarding the Early Termination Fee when cancelling the service.  


    Performing activities that exhaust your data in two days doesn't make HughesNet a trashy service.