Forum Discussion

Lions_02's avatar
New Poster
7 years ago

Hughesnet HT2000W

What is the best off the shelf wireless router to buy then using Hughesnet HT2000W router?  I would like to replace it with the ORBI wireless cable modem.

  • I don't think a third-party modem is compatible with HughesNet. You could get another wireless router and hook it up to the HT2000W.
  • GabeU's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    You must use the HughesNet modem with HughesNet service.  No other modem is compatible.  However, as stated by infinitytec, you can use a 3rd party router along with the HughesNet modem.  

    • aarushing's avatar
      New Poster

      I have a netgear nighthawk x6. I tried to hook it up to the hughesnet HT2000w. However, for some reason, I can"t get the wireless to work or get the internet to connect. Any ideas?

      • infinitytec's avatar

        Double-check to make sure the ethernet cable connecting the two devices is coming into the new router's internet connector.