Forum Discussion
Hughesnet HT2000W
Here's the process if you want to figure it out:
1. Get your location and the location of your gateway (North lats are positive, West longs are negative).
Location of E19 is at lat 0, lon -97.1071, elev 35786000 m.
2. Convert all the locations from degrees to radians (e.g., φ * pi / 180).
3. Convert all three locations to a point in 3-space:
Earth's radius: Er = √( [ (6378137²*Cos(lat))² + (6356752.3²*Sin(lat))² ] / [ (6378137*Cos(lat))² + (6356752.3*Sin(lat))² ] )
Geocentric Lat: Glat = ArcTan( (1-0.00669437999014)*Tan(lat) )
x = Er*Cos(lon)*Cos(Glat) + elev*Cos(lat)*Cos(lon)
y = Er*Sin(lon)*Cos(Glat) + elev*Cos(lat)*Sin(lon)
z = Er*Sin(Glat) + elev*Sin(lat)
3. Calculate the path distances in km for each leg by taking the square root of the sum the squares of the differences in each direction and then dividing by 1000:
Dkm = √(Δx² + Δy² + Δz²) / 1000 m/km
4. Calculate the minimum lag time by dividing twice the total path by the speed of light:
Tlag(ms) = 2*(Dkm(dish to sat)+Dkm(sat to gateway)) / 299.7924 km/ms
Turns out the lag for me in C.Virginia to E-19, and San Diego and back is 500.54ms.
- GabeU7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Eek! It looks like Greek, to me. I'll just stick with my guesses. :)
- MarkJFine7 years agoProfessor
GabeU wrote:Eek! It looks like Greek, to me. I'll just stick with my guesses. :)
Or you could just use this site:
- GabeU7 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
MarkJFine wrote:
GabeU wrote:Eek! It looks like Greek, to me. I'll just stick with my guesses. :)
Or you could just use this site:
Good site. Thanks!
Sat to home = 23,585 miles = 0.127 seconds x 2 = .254 seconds.
Sat to gateway = 23,794 miles = 0.128 seconds x 2 = .256 seconds.
So, the latency for me that is due solely to distance is .510 seconds.
- MarkJFine7 years agoProfessor
What's neat about that site is that it gives full sighting: azimuth and take off angle.
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