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The option to delete a post...

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Distinguished Professor IV

The option to delete a post...

It would be nice to have the option to delete a post, especially when replying to a new post, only to find after you click the post button that someone already did and you basically posted the same thing.  You can edit the post to delete what you had posted and give an explanation, but it would be much easier to be able to delete the entire post.  

Associate Professor

I think we have that setup so people can't claim we are deleting our posts after god knows how long, like they had done in the past.  I remember quiet a few arguments with some people that had no intelligence to speak of that kept accusing me of deleting my posts, and theirs! lol

Distinguished Professor IV

Ah.  I can see the argument in that.  Accusing YOU of deleting THEIRS, though, is comical, to say the least.  Smiley Very Happy


If they had it set up right, though, you could only delete your post before someone replied to it.  Once they did you couldn't.  Of course, that's the way the other one was set up, and people still made their accusations.  LOL.  

Psst. You have an hour from posting to go back and edit.


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Distinguished Professor IV

@Liz wrote:

Psst. You have an hour from posting to go back and edit.


Edit, yes, but not delete. So the only choice is to remove all the content from the post and leave the post up.

Distinguished Professor IV

@Liz wrote:

Psst. You have an hour from posting to go back and edit.


Ah.  I didn't know there was an hour limit.  I have yet to run into a situation where I needed to go back and edit that much later since being on the new site, but it's still good to know that.   

Distinguished Professor IV

"I think we have that setup so people can't claim we are deleting our posts after god knows how long, like they had done in the past. "


@C0RR0SIVE, that's a very good reason and I could live with the lack of post deletion if this is why.