Forum Discussion
Bill went up, NOT what I was promised when I signed up
In May of 2019 I signed up with HughesNet through Ozark Satellite in Ozark Missouri. Before signing up I specifically asked if the billed amount would increase after a year. I was told it would not. This evening I looked at my bank account to find May's bill had increased by $15.00. I called HughesNet customer service. I started to explain the issue to a CSR, a woman, name unknown. As soon as I began telling her about the promise by Ozark Satellite she started raising her voice and insisted upon checking for what promotions HN has available. The option presented to me was $10.00 off for 6 months with a 12 month commitment. Again I tried to explain the promise by Ozark Satellite when she started talking over me in a non-professional manner and refused to listen. She was rude, and every time I tried to talk she would try to talk over me. I'm not about to put up with that treatment from anyone so I asked for a supervisor who told me I had to come in here to make my case, but since I didn't have an account set up I had to jump through all the hoops, and now here I am, spending more time to type this up because apparently there's no other way to get this done? This seems like a lot of crap to put a customer through to simply get a promise kept. I have to tell you....this sucks deluxe....and with the rude treatment I got from this customer service lady I talked to in Arizona I'm about 2 seconds from telling HN to stick it. I want that CSR dealt with, and by that I mean fired. Listen to the recording of the call and tell me that's professional? No paying customer should have to put up with that shizz. Bottom line, I want the promise made to me for pricing when I signed up honored in full, I want the overage charged to me on May 15 refunded or credited to my account and I won't pay one cent more than the monthly amount I was promised when I signed up, and for as long as I am your customer, and I'll take that in writing, or NO DEAL! After the customer service experience and having to do all of this to simply get a promise kept I'm about ready to switch to another provider, even if they are more expensive. The satellite service works satisfactorily, but your customer service and means of resolution for what should have been a simple matter needs A LOT of work. For the time I've spent and the trouble I've been put through I want this resolved by no later than Friday, June 12 2020. Apparently HN has A LOT to learn when it comes to customer service!
To your credit the supervisor I spoke with was professional and helpful, more like what is expected.....reasonable!
Supervisor case number: 129991760
Thank you for reaching out, and we understand your frustrations. I looked into your account and notes from the previous cases to familiarize myself a little more with the situation. While we are able to pull sales calls, we are only able to access calls from within the past 6 months. Since you've been a customer for over a year, I was unable to retrieve the call. To try and resolve the issue, I'll be placing another $15 dollar discount for 12 months, and will be crediting back the 15 dollars from the previous month. Our system doesn't allow us to permanently change the pricing of your service, requiring the discount. You'll need to call back before 6/15/2021, next year's June bill date, to renew that.
I'll be making a note on your account as well for the rep you speak with, so they know to apply it as well without this issue arising again. That note will be under the case number 130006979, so please refer to that. In regards to the agents, we listen to calls to go over coaching and help them improve, so we appreciate the feedback on the two people you spoke with.
- Steve-ENew Poster
So here we are, 3 HOURS after posting this as requested by the supervisor. I've spent a total of 4 HOURS of my time dealing with this and I still have received NO REPLY? I see another member posted their issue 3 1/2 hours ago and not only received a moderator reply, but a resolution?
Apparently my issue means NOTHING to HughesNet and they DO NOT have consideration for my time? I guess promises mean nothing to this company, and their customer service is worthless as flip-flops on a chicken.
I want a reply and a resolution forthwith and directly.
- MarkJFineProfessor
Dude, I get why you're irritated, but you were sold a bill of goods by a reseller, not HughesNet, so this is between you and Ozark.
HughesNet is not under any obligation to honor any promises Ozark made to you. Nor are they obligated to answer you here in a time period that you deem appropriate - a moderator will get back with you when they are available, which could be up to 24hrs.
- maratsadeDistinguished Professor IV
This is not an instant forum. Replies can be received on the same day as your post, the next day, or even a few days later. If you want faster, try the phone again, or chat.
Edited for clarity.
Steve-E wrote:
I want a reply and a resolution forthwith and directly.
- RemyModerator
Thank you for reaching out, and we understand your frustrations. I looked into your account and notes from the previous cases to familiarize myself a little more with the situation. While we are able to pull sales calls, we are only able to access calls from within the past 6 months. Since you've been a customer for over a year, I was unable to retrieve the call. To try and resolve the issue, I'll be placing another $15 dollar discount for 12 months, and will be crediting back the 15 dollars from the previous month. Our system doesn't allow us to permanently change the pricing of your service, requiring the discount. You'll need to call back before 6/15/2021, next year's June bill date, to renew that.
I'll be making a note on your account as well for the rep you speak with, so they know to apply it as well without this issue arising again. That note will be under the case number 130006979, so please refer to that. In regards to the agents, we listen to calls to go over coaching and help them improve, so we appreciate the feedback on the two people you spoke with.
- Steve-ENew Poster
Thanks for the reply, the confirmation and for HughesNet honoring their pricing promise. Also, thank you for reviewing the calls you could. I appreciate it.
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