Forum Discussion

ConnieD's avatar
New Poster
4 years ago

Daily data increased after upgraded to higher data plan

I have been on the 25MB plan for over a year, my daily average has been around 2.5MB.  However, I always ran out of data about 7 days prior to the end of the month.  So I decided to bump up to the next data level.  Now my usage is averaging around 7MB per day.  My usage has not changed.  Any ideas why my usage more than doubled just because I went to the next plan?  

  • maratsade's avatar
    Distinguished Professor IV

    Changing plans doesn't increase usage. Usage increases usage, so something must've changed on your end and you're not aware of it.  Finding out what the culprit is may be tricky, and will require some detective work on your part.  Did you buy a new smart device? Did you connect a TV to the internet? It could be so many things. 

  • Good morning ConnieD,


    We're closing this thread since we never got a reply from you. If you still have concerns, please start a new thread and include a detailed explanation so we can more effectively help you.


