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How can you Iose the inappropriate phone number?

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Advanced Tutor

How can you Iose the inappropriate phone number?



After a week, I can no longer reply to the related topic and I sure can't mark it solved.


After a week, the old 251-xxx-xxxx number is still front and center in my account. Why can't my unwanted, unused  phone number be removed from your system?


As long as it's there, it will certainly be a problem for service work, just as it always has been. It needs to be gone.


Hi GW, 


Can you please PM me a screenshot of where you're seeing that number? I just pulled up your account in our system and only the 850 number is listed.



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Advanced Tutor

Hi Liz,


The old number hasn't been visible in my account since it was initially and supposedly removed many moons ago.


But it's still there now. Question is... where?


It has to be there because the chatty cathy computer finds my account just fine when it asks me to enter my phone number so it can find my account. Same as always.


Edit: One difference now is the computer can also find my account when I enter the 850 number. But I'm sure the original will always and forever be the "go-to" number as long as it's there.

Hi GW,


Are you saying that you're concerned with the automated phone system pulling up your account with the old number?


If so, this has been addressed, and I just confirmed that entering that old number when you call support does not bring up any account. 


If you have other concerns, please let me know.



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Advanced Tutor

@Liz wrote:

Hi GW,


Are you saying that you're concerned with the automated phone system pulling up your account with the old number?


If so, this has been addressed, and I just confirmed that entering that old number when you call support does not bring up any account. 


If you have other concerns, please let me know.





Still, at this moment, when I call the main Hughes number 866-347-3292 I am asked to enter a phone number so the computer can locate my account. As always, when I enter the old 251 number, which has supposedly been removed from my account over and over and over again, I am told it thinks it has found my account and asks me to enter my zip code. And then I'm in. I've verified it four times so far this morning. 5:36 AM, 5:50 AM, 5:53 AM and 7:56 AM


My concern is every time I need a service call, the dispach is sent to the service company and the service company is given the wrong number by the system. I always ask Hughes to ensure my correct phone number is sent but it never is. For both of the service calls I've needed this year I've requested special notification be sent to the service company with the correct information. Maybe it is but the technician never is informed.


I've been naive enough to belive all this is corrected but it never is. Fortunately, both times the technician has called pre-appointment this year, I was inside the house (and not outside doing my work). Since I was expecting a call on SOME number, I did answer the phone which I rarely do because after all the years of non use the only people who call this number are telemarketers. Botton line here is neither technician had any other number for me.


I see no reason this will ever change as long as my old landline number exists in your system. Should I keep paying over $50/month for the landline as long as I have Hughesnet just so I can have service work done on my Hughesnet site? Will I always have to sit in the house waiting for the technician to call just so I can tell him it's okay for him to drive the 25 miles from any of the nearest towns to fix my system?


hughes account info edited.jpg


Good morning GW,


That's very curious. I've sent you my phone recording when I tried calling again this morning and using the old 251 number; still unrecognizable as associated with an account. The e-mail was to the don account and should come from WeTransfer.


However, as you mentioned that the main concern is with visiting tech having the correct number, I did reach out to our field services department that oversees that; perhaps they get their contact info from a separate system, but I'm trying to confirm that and ensure that for tech visits, your account is updated accordingly.


I'll keep you posted.



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Advanced Tutor

Hi Liz,


This is just too strange. Very bizarre. I called in to Hughes using the landline, entered the landline 251 number and the computer couldn't find my account.


Then I called in using my cell phone, entered the 251 number and it found my account, confirmed the zip code and began giving me options, same as always. It worked many times over as I went through the numbers and tried to learn how to get the screencap to send you.


I'll try it with my wife's phone when she gets home this afternoon.


I don't know how to make one of those video things like you and my old friend Amanda made but they're very cool. I did take a screen capture of my phone face after I went through the numbers. I'll send that to your PM.



How strange. Well in any case, you can just use your current number to pull up your account when calling support. As for your primary concern regarding what number is pulled when creating a dispatch, I've already escalated this to our field services department so we can ensure that the right number is on file for the techs. I'll keep you posted once I have an update from them.



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Distinguished Professor IV

"I have a screen shot of my own account with both numbers listed, however I'm not seeing where it is I can upload that image to show you."


If you're on a computer/laptop, you should be able to upload photos by clicking on the "Photos" icon when you compose a reply.  If you're using a tablet or phone, that option isn't available. 

Distinguished Professor IV

That's odd. What browser are you using, and do you have many add-ons?


Here's what I see when I click "Reply:"





Distinguished Professor IV



I used uBlock Origin for a while until it started doing the same thing, as in obscuring options on webpages, including here.  


A viable alternative which doesn't interfere with those things, if you don't yet have another, is AdBlock Plus.  I use it for both Chrome and Firefox, and even the "new" Edge, though I rarely ever use Edge.  If you use it, make sure to go into the Options and untick the box for "Allow Acceptable Ads", or you'll still get some ads. 

Advanced Tutor

@bare65 wrote:
GW, many of us have that same issue. It's a Hughesnet glitch that has been going on for years. The 'evening' phone number listed on my account is wrong and has been wrong for many years and no matter what I do to edit it or remove it, it simply will not go away. I used this phone number (land line ending in 06) to initiate service many years ago but after some time had passed, our phone service changed, as well as the number. I tried everything I could on my end to edit that number (ending in 06) and replace it with our new phone number but nothing I did worked. Several years back, when I had issues with my service and needed a tech to come out, for obvious reasons, they could not reach me at the number listed on my account (ending in 06) I actually enlisted the help of Liz to help me get my new phone number (ending in 75) added to my account as my primary daytime number so that the tech people could contact me to schedule an appointment. Now while Liz was able to apply my phone number (ending in 75) as the primary 'daytime' number, the old phone number that is no longer even in service STILL to this day remains actively showing on my account information, only now it is listed under my 'evening' phone number and like I said, nothing I do on my end will remove this phone number. Over the years I've tried to get rid of it or edit it and it simply won't go away. I have a screen shot of my own account with both numbers listed, however I'm not seeing where it is I can upload that image to show you.



Thanks bare. Does the Hughesnet system at 866-347-3232 still recognize your account when you enter your long disconnected 06 number, followed by the zip code verification?

Distinguished Professor IV

For reference...


The Residential Support number is 866-347-3292.  


The Business Support number is 800-347-3272.

Hi GW,


Thank you for your patience. Our field services department has assured me that your current number will be referenced should you need a dispatch in the future. If you have other concerns feel free to drop by the community again.





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