Forum Discussion

Doran Hoffman's avatar
10 years ago

early termination fee RE: Doran H.

Chris I will have you my serial number as soon as I get home. I am having the exact same issue.

Note: This conversation was created from a reply on: Early Termination Fee.
  • C0RR0SIVE's avatar
    Associate Professor
    Doran, please create a new thread to focus on your specific issues.
  • I can't figure out how to do that on my mobile phone. S/N B30010743895A1 please help me Chris
  • Hi Doran,

    We have created a post to better address your concerns. I have the serial number for your modem, however I need some details as to your specific inquiry. You said your problem is similar, how so? For us to have a sales call review we need to make sure we know what to listen for. How were you misled? Looking forward to your reply.

    Thank you,
  • Chris. I was never aware nor would I sign up for 2 years of service. It barely streamed Netflix. And supposedly I was on a 10 month promotion. Who has ever heard of a 10 month promotion? Please help me. I never was aware of a 2 year contract. I would have got a hot spot if that was the case. I thought I could cancel whenever I wanted to.
  • Chris. I was never aware nor would I sign up for 2 years of service. It barely streamed Netflix. And supposedly I was on a 10 month promotion. Who has ever heard of a 10 month promotion? Please help me. I never was aware of a 2 year contract. I would have got a hot spot if that was the case. I thought I could cancel whenever I wanted to.
  • Hi Doran,

    I made a request to review your sales call and have just received the results. Here is what was found:

    After reviewing this call, the agent does inform the customer that there is a 24 month agreement by reading the disclosure in the final terms and conditions.  The customer never probes further about a term length at any other point in the call, so this was the only time it was discussed.  Additionally, this customer was set up under a low fill beam and there is never any mention of a 10 month promotion for this customer in regards to the package price.   

    Due to the results of your sales call review, we can conclude that our service contract information was provided to you. So any fees incurred to cancel are valid. The 10 month agreement part was not mentioned either, so I am not sure where you may have heard that info. Maybe with DirecTV? 

    - Chris