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Receive speed is at 1 to 6 Mbps transmit is 72 mbps
After a tech visit, we have new equipment and a relocated dish. At first it was the best it's ever v en, but for the past week, everything is lagging. My phone's connection shows a 1 to 11 Mbps receive rate, but mostly 1 to 6 Mbps which keeps going back and forth from 1 to 6 to 1 to 11, to 1, while the transmit rate remains a steady 72 all at 2.4 ghz. At 5 ghz I'm getting transmit speed of 390 and receive keeps going between 488 and 6 and 1 Mbps Looking ng at control center it shows the odu/vdc failed in the built in self test. Anyone know what's going on here?1.1KViews0likes1Comment