ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Refund should have been returned Nov 2nd I sent a detailed explaination to a HughesNet customer care representative concerning the router return and associated situations. They understand they borrowed 125.00, paid no interest on the loan and their equipment was not damaged when it was returned. Feel free to mark the thread closed. Re: Refund should have been returned Nov 2nd My oldest brother was a cadet, but he had the nerve to die shortly after being accepted. All nonsense aside, it seems to be a pattern that needs to be addressed not tolerated or encouraged. Re: Refund should have been returned Nov 2nd HughesNet has had plenty of time to do their job. I swear people act as though they can erase a paper trail with a magic wand their great, great grandpa the wizard left them in his will. Re: Refund should have been returned Nov 2nd Hello maratsade, The FBI handles fraud cases. I've already provided everything from my end and expect a competant employee in the Billing department to refund $125.00 in a prompt and timely manner. Regards, HughesNet Refund should have been returned Nov 2nd HughesNet decided to use my money for a month to add to the interest in their company account. Refer to previous tactics/excuses/passing the buck to other representatives. If you don't deposit my refund, I will report you to the Better Business Bureau. One customer that's had enough of your crap. Re: Denied access to my Hughes Net Email Account When you deal with most paid email service providers, they don't allow adware. That's why you buy their services unlike free email accounts. Hope the solution is permanent. Re: Secured Email time frame expectations Thanks for the information. Re: Secured Email time frame expectations Remy, Thanks for the reply. The Zimbra Mail representative explained that upgrades needed to communicate securely with their Java based programming had not been completed by HughesNet's. Secured email doesn't typically have adware either. Secured Email time frame expectations After speaking to representatives from both corporations, I was curious as to when Zimbra Webmail and HughesNet's programming base would communicate correctly as to provide HughesNet's customers with secure email. A Java/Flash bridge that worked should have been tested and proven prior to implementation.