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New Customer - 50gb/25mbps Plan - speed testing around 3-5mbps yet none of my High speed data used
Hello. New Customer here. Had internet set up on 12/11 and started out on the 50gb/25mbps plan. Internet has been miserably slow across every device, but we expected some slowdown compared to the high speed cable we were used to before we moved. Tested speed through 5 different testing sites, including Hughenets own testing app. Always tests around 2-5mbps. I noticed on my data usage tab on my account page it says I've only used .2gb of my 50gb available. with 49.8gb still available. I am aware that they slowdown to 1-3mbps after the 50gb, but why would i start out at such slow speeds and not get the 25mbps for the 50gb? What am I missing here? Thanks for any help926Views0likes1Comment