ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsData usage went from about 90 GBs a month to over 300 and usage has actually reduced so whats up? For the last three months, service has been extremely crappy because Hughesnet is stating that as one person, who doesnt stream tv and only uses their laptop, is using 387 GB a month. I have called and escalated this issue several times and they just keep telling me its me using the internet. I continuously change the password, make sure that while I am gone 10 hours a day that my house is locked and that no one can come in and use my internet so this does not make any sense to me. Is anyone else having this happen? Seems like this started shortly after the new Jupiter satellites went up. What can I do to monitor my own usage since Hughesnet cannot provide me with a detailed report of what is using all of this supposed data. Getting very agitated with this problem.