@AngelaWilkes Even though your data resets during the first twenty days, your usage history should still reflect what you have used each day. You can also just wait until the relaxed bandwidth period is over to find out what you are using. If you realize that it's not enough data you always have the option of upgrading your plan. There isn't a time limit for that. With regard to finding that the data plan you have is larger than you need, I believe you are limited to downgrading once per year, but I don't know how it affects discounts, and I'm not positive about once per year limit, either. Also, though I don't know what you have for devices, if you use Windows based computers, you can install Glasswire, which is free. It monitors the data usage of the computer it's installed on, and also tells you just what's using it, as in programs and apps. This can come in handy if you are using a lot of data, but don't know why. Glasswire
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