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My billing cycle ends in 3 days but I still have 83% remaining in my service plan. Use it or...
loose it? Also: I've tried the speed tests using the site: using the 12M download and I get anywhere from 40M to 50M which should be very good. Yet it seems to take a while for a site to come up compared to when I was on dsl with Century Link. Is this just the nature of the beast (latency issue)? My LAN has 3 Linux boxes running Ubuntu 16.04 and a Windows 7 box going to a 24 port switch. I tried the download test with the main workstation plugged directly into the modem and then threw the switch as normal. That doesn't seem to make a difference in the test. I mostly use youtube-dl to download youtube videos and it seems real slow too. I think it may be because I need to download bigger chunks at a time using the download options: -r, --limit-rate RATE Maximum download rate in bytes per second (e.g. 50K or 4.2M) -R, --retries RETRIES Number of retries (default is 10), or "infinite". --fragment-retries RETRIES Number of retries for a fragment (default is 10), or "infinite" (DASH, hlsnative and ISM) --skip-unavailable-fragments Skip unavailable fragments (DASH, hlsnative and ISM) --abort-on-unavailable-fragment Abort downloading when some fragment is not available --keep-fragments Keep downloaded fragments on disk after downloading is finished; fragments are erased by default --buffer-size SIZE Size of download buffer (e.g. 1024 or 16K) (default is 1024) --no-resize-buffer Do not automatically adjust the buffer size. By default, the buffer size is automatically resized from an initial value of SIZE. --playlist-reverse Download playlist videos in reverse order --playlist-random Download playlist videos in random order --xattr-set-filesize Set file xattribute ytdl.filesize with expected file size (experimental) --hls-prefer-native Use the native HLS downloader instead of ffmpeg --hls-prefer-ffmpeg Use ffmpeg instead of the native HLS downloader --hls-use-mpegts Use the mpegts container for HLS videos, allowing to play the video while downloading (some players may not be able to play it) --external-downloader COMMAND Use the specified external downloader. Currently supports aria2c,avconv,axel,curl,ffmpeg,httpie,wget --external-downloader-args ARGS Give these arguments to the external downloader I'll experiment with it and let you know what I find out...Solved2.7KViews0likes3Comments