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Re: See my bill BEFORE it is taken from my credit card
You would think however, I have yet to see anything under "Pending Charges" prior to the day they charge me. I've even checked daily up until that date and even the day before charged, there is nothing there for me which is pretty odd.6.6KViews0likes0CommentsRe: DOES NOT ABIDE BY THEIR OWN CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He is right about the $67.26 tho. Yeah, the rep was pretty confusing when explaining it and it honestly made no sense till I saw the 2nd bill. But that is with the promotional $20 off. I have the same promo. The slashed price already incorporates the $20 off. It's not in addition to and taken from the slashed price. That is the price with promo included.8.5KViews0likes0CommentsRe: DOES NOT ABIDE BY THEIR OWN CONTRACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was told I could use my own router by the guy who signed me up and that I could save myself some money from the lease fees. They told me to have the people set everything up and then call customer service to setup my own router. I confirmed numerous times with him, I'm sure it's recorded. However, customer service has absolutely no idea what I'm talking about. They actually didn't even understand what I meant when I said my combo router, which is the exact same as their modem/router combo, is what I want to exchange because I can't even get my router to connect to my smart tv in a 26 foot travel trailer and the Hughes combo is literally 5 feet away from my tv. Lmfao So ridiculous. I've had nothing but connectivity issues since literally day one - probably 6+ calls within the first week? Never a resolution. Once I was told that the weather in my area was causing an issue, yet it was clear skies as far as the eye can see and I'm in a completely open area without any buildings near me at all that could obstruct signal. I took a picture of it because I thought it was hilarious that literally telling the rep how the weather was and having the ability to even confirm online that my location was clear - they still blamed that for terrible speeds that were BELOW 1 MB, regularly. They told me service here would be great and that streaming and gaming would be perfect without issue. I gave up on streaming Netflix after the first month. Tried for a couple episodes with low quality settings a couple weeks ago and only got through one episode before having issues and eventually not streaming at all. Smh. I never, EVER had any of these issues with Charter OR Wave Broadband. Ugh, I miss both of those companies so bad. I had unlimited high speed at 60mbps with Charter with NO CONTRACTS and it cost me WAY less. I think I had maybe 1 issue with them in the 5 years they were my provider and they rectified it. Wave was 1200 gigs a month with 50mbps, no contracts and I never even touched my max. 200 gigs were free and I again paid way less. I got stuck with Hughes because of where I moved. I'm literally thinking about moving just to get a better internet service because I'm a remote worker and this service has me in trouble at work after 6 years of never being talked to. Charter Spectrum does contract buy outs up to $500. Maybe check to see if that service is offered in your area?8.5KViews0likes1CommentRe: Data not resetting
I'm having this SAME issue and it's now been a couple months. It's claiming that I'm using 20 gigs within 5 days too! That isn't even possible when the wifi is only connected to 2 iPhones and hasn't been used for tv or a laptop in months. I live in a 26 foot travel trailer with a secured network and haven't used our service for anything other than the phones. I've checked our cellular data usage compared to my Hughes as well and it makes no sense. I've been watching our Activity Monitor all day and we reset our phones data tracking as well. I've pulled up a bunch of websites, likely more today than ever in a day and the true uploads/downloads aren't reflected on Hughes. Also, going through account history, there's absolutely no way in HECK I have ever used uploads outside of the hundreds in MB scope and there are multiple days claiming I've uploaded gigs while we're not even here or asleep. Checked devices and it's only mine attached. Our first month had terrible connectivity issues that we called on numerous occassions about, but we still ended the month with nearly half our gigs left and we were actually binge watching Netflix, streaming music and browsing constantly! This is ridiculous. I hate that we can only see the most basic info as possible on the meter and only goes back so far. I've been testing data tracking all day and it hasn't moved at all. Something has to be wrong. Did you figure out anything with your account?5.5KViews0likes2Comments