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Received two return kits for one account
We canceled our Hughes Net account on Oct 31. At that time the person closing the account stated that our equipment was too old, we did not need to return anything. Yesterday, Nov. 9, we received TWO return kits from Hughes Net via UPS. We had one account, one set of equipment. Thankfully we had not thrown anything out yet. I called customer service today and tried to find out what to do, as I don't want this to be screwed up upon return resulting in us getting charged. It was difficult to get the service rep to understand my concern. First she told me to put part of the equipment in one box and part in the other and send them both back. I expressed my concern that this would end up in them thinking we only returned part. Then she told me to send it all back in one box and when I asked "And throw the other box away?" She responded, "No, send the other box back empty." She stated she could guarantee me 1000% that we would not be charged if we send the equipment back. Does this solution sound right to anyone that understands the workings of Hughes Net??? Thank you for any input!2.5KViews0likes3Comments