ContributionsMost RecentMost LikesSolutionsRe: Tried to upgrade, but didn't get any of my MB or bonus bytes. Got an email that confirmed the deal, but no upgrade. GabeU & CORROSIVE; I want to thank you for all of your help and insight! I totally get it now. Hughes Net upgraded to Gen5, and now they only offer Gen5 plans. So, I guess that I've been getting myself all upset for nothing. I feel so much better now that there are no conspiracies going on within the company. LOL. Also, the fact that I am not being singled out is a weight lifted from my shoulders. I pronounce this case officially closed! I am so glad that y'all cleared that up for me. Thank you very much, and God Bless! Respectfully, jr.firepup Re: Tried to upgrade, but didn't get any of my MB or bonus bytes. Got an email that confirmed the deal, but no upgrade. GabeU; I made a mistake. I thought that I was going from Pro Plus to Max and didn't realize that I was trying to change from Max to Max. Furthermore, I don't want to sign up for Gen5. That would lock me into another year's contract. What I really want, is to be able to change my plan on the Hughes Net website when I feel the need to. It seems like ever since I posted my concern to the community board, someone from Hughes Net made sure that I couldn't change my plan anymore unless I called Hughes Net Customer Care! I feel singled out! If you could look into that for me, (or find someone who will) and maybe get the ball rolling, to put it back to how it was before, I would very much appreciate it!!! Re: Tried to upgrade, but didn't get any of my MB or bonus bytes. Got an email that confirmed the deal, but no upgrade. Hi Amanda. I don't know if you remember me, but I was having a problem with my upgrade back on 2/21/17. You asked me why I was upgrading my plan a couple of times a month. Well, for one thing, when I signed up with Hughes Net, I was told that I wouldn't possibly be able to use that much data in one month. Well the guy was wrong!!! And for another thing, I figured out why I was "chewing up so much data ", as Birddog so colorfully described it. I had two tablets, my cell phone and my TV on 24/7, with programs running in the background. So I stopped that, but am still "chewing through data". And for the third thing, I have read the Hughes Net contract over a few times, and cannot find anything in there prohibiting the switching of plans more than once a month. But now I have been blocked from upgrading (or downgrading) on the Hughes Net Website. I am now required to call the Hughes Net Customer Care to change my policy. I think that this is outrageous. Especially since there is a clause in the Hughes Net Gen4 Fair Policy Act that says if you exceed your data allowance you can upgrade your service plan. So, why am I being singled out? Please explain this to me. Here is the shortcut to the conversation in question: Re: Tried to upgrade, but didn't get any of my MB or bonus bytes. Got an email that confirmed the deal, but no upgrade.Well, Gabe, my bad. I noticed that my post said that it posted only 2 seconds ago, and I knew that wasn't true, so I hit the refresh button. I'm so sorry. I don't know what is wrong with my iPad. Or, maybe it's just operator error. LOL. Anyway, please don't hold it against me. I appreciate it.Re: Tried to upgrade, but didn't get any of my MB or bonus bytes. Got an email that confirmed the deal, but no upgrade.Gabe, I wasn't aware that I had posted my problem twice? I'm very sorry if it upset you. I'm a newbie at posting these kinds of things on Community Boards. My sincerest apologies. I promise that I will make sure of what I am doing in the future,before I press the send button. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. Hope that you have a wonderful day.Re: Tried to upgrade, but didn't get any of my MB or bonus bytes. Got an email that confirmed the deal, but no upgrade.I changed it that many times because I wasn't getting any results after 4 hrs. of waiting.for the circle in the status meter to turn any other color besides red. Why didn't it work the first time that I placed the upgrade order? I phoned your call center and talked to a lady about it, and she told me that my equipment was working fine. Then she said that she wanted to do a couple of things manually, and asked me to unplug the router. Well, my phone is hooked up to the router, so, basically,that was the end of our conversation. I'm very frustrated with this whole deal. I've tried everything that I can think of to get it to work. Hopefully,you will have some answers for me?Tried to upgrade, but didn't get any of my MB or bonus bytes. Got an email that confirmed the deal, but no upgrade.I just upgraded my data usage about 8 hrs. ago, from pro plus to max, and I still haven't seen anything but a big red circle on my status meter. I had some tokens saved up, but now my internet is eating them all up. Somebody please help!Solved