Dantheman, you are posting in someone else's thread. Please start your own thread by going to the Tech Support page again and clicking on Start a topic. You can copy what you wrote here and paste it into that thread. Remember too that Hughesnet doesn't guarantee speeds -- they vary considerably depending on things such as network traffic, weather, network management, etc. Section 1.1 of the subscriber agreement states that "Stated speeds and uninterrupted use of service are not guaranteed. Actual speeds will likely be lower than the maximum speeds during peak hours. In addition, when connected to the Service using Wi-Fi, the user’s experience will vary based on the proximity to the Wi-Fi source and the strength of the signal, and its usage is subject to the Fair Access Policy. " (see http://legal.hughes.com/SubAgree-03-16-17.cfm) To have speed issues checked and addressed on this community, a certain protocol is required. Please read about it here: https://community.hughesnet.com/t5/Tech-Support/Think-you-have-slow-speeds/m-p/110034#M74607 Dantheman1456 wrote: I am gettion only 0.4 to 0.6 Mbps. Because I've used my data allowance I should be getting 1 to 3 Mbps. Can anyone tell me what is going on. I've been with Hughsnet just over a month and have to say it is the most dismal IT experience I have ever had.
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