Severe speed issues
1 TopicSevere speed issues, is there an issue at Hughes?
Since the morning of August 11th, ive been having severe speed issues. I barely get more than 20kbs when downloading, im having a lot of trouble loading anything on Facebook, cant use Youtube, so forth for so on. The last speed test ive done using the speed test on this site says my download speed was 0.35, and upload was 2.36. Im out of data in the day time, but ive still got about 3GB of night time data, as in, as I post this. I was barely able to get to this website Ive rebooted my modem several times from the control panel, and ive unplugged it, let it sit for 10 minutes, and replugged. No improvement. My signal strength is 105 as I post this, there are no weather issues in my area, and my modem is looking perfectly fine, as in, no strange lights or anything Furthermore, on the morning of the 13th after about 10AM, it picked up speed and ran at normal speeds. Having the same issues on another computer thats directly plugged into the modem. I havent tried using other online devices to check it though! So is there maintence or issues at Hughes? Thanks for your time! Hope this can be fixed, this is barely better than dial up right now Edit: Heres my speed stats, im doing further testing! At this point, as suggested, ive stopped doing the testing since im in FAP condition, and with the 25MB size, its not even downloading. Speeds are at 40kB/s, and theres a lot of issues connecting. Still no obvious issues with my modem, and the speeds are the same using wifi or a wired ethernet connection, and ive tested on multiple devices and multiple browsers. The issue started sometime last week, and was fairly transitory, but became worse. On Saturday morning, when I made this topic, it fixed itself until 4AM Monday morning, after a storm rolled through. My current state code as of this edit is 24.1.1, but I had data during the beginning of the slowness issues so that should not be the issue. Hope we get some investigation going soon!Solved11KViews0likes24Comments