Forum Discussion
buggered wrote:I await a response and request that no PM messages are sent but whatever the remedy or response is can be viewed by everyone with access to this site. The nature of this forum is pointless if every time you read a post to gain information, the answer and thread is resolved through a pm contact.
They often answer in PM for two main reasons: first, because it contains personal information, and second, because it contains information that is pertinent only to that person and that situation.
The purpose of this community is support, not complete disclosure, and especially not so when it concerns some of the help attained via this section.
The reps are on M-F from approximately 8AM to 5PM EST. They usually reply within a working day.
Please cease and desist any future contact and harassment. Your self-perceived Aggrandizement compounds the problem and does not help anyone. If you contact me again or continue to harass me through PM or posting I will report you, GabeU.
- GabeU6 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
Feel free to report me. One thing you're not going to be able to do is besmirch my name or the work I do on here. You forget that I have both copies of the rude PMs that you sent me, and the polite reply to each that I sent, with the second telling you to no longer PM me (due to your rudeness). You PMed me, and I replied, with my last reply being early Wednesday morning. I didn't PM you.
As well, the only public correspondence, besides this reply, is my original reply to your post, which was nothing more than informative, and far from aggrandizement.
So, again, you can try to play this game if you wish. Please feel free to follow through on your unjustified and ridiculous threat. There was no harassment. You simply didn't get the answer you wish, so you try to besmirch me, making up some sort of nonsense about harassment that never occurred. Again, though, remember that I have copies of all correspondence, as do you, and the second I hit reply I will not only be reporting your attack post, but also sending information concerning the rest.
Have a nice day.
- C0RR0SIVE6 years agoAssociate Professor
buggered wrote:Please cease and desist any future contact and harassment. Your self-perceived Aggrandizement compounds the problem and does not help anyone. If you contact me again or continue to harass me through PM or posting I will report you, GabeU.
Dude, chill, seriously. GabeU was only informing you of a few things about how the community works. You will get your information soon from one of the Hughesnet Reps, whether that's in private, or public, is upto them.