Forum Discussion

DH1's avatar
New Poster
7 years ago


I have recently moved and cannot transfer the dish to my new address due to landlord guidelines. Is there any way that the early termination fee can be waived or someway resolved?
  • DH1's avatar
    New Poster
    Can a Hughesnet rep or monitor help me with waiving this fee?
    • DH1's avatar
      New Poster
      Can a moderator help with the etf, I could really use some help resolving this fee if I am not allowed to take the service to my new address
      • Amanda's avatar

        Hi DH1,


        Our best recommendation is to speak with your landlord about compensating you for the inconvenience or double-checking the FCC OTARD to see if the landlords guidelines are valid. You may still be able to install the system, as the FCC has provided consumers with protections against this situation (including causing you to incur expenses) 


        Thank you,


  • BirdDog's avatar
    Assistant Professor

    It can take them 24-48 hours to respond to initial post as this isn't their primary job, patience.