Forum Discussion
Sales Rep Misinformation
- 8 years ago
Hi RebekahWilson,
Thank you for your continued patience while your call was reviewed. These are the results from the sales source:
The agent set the expectation with the customer that when the monthly data allotment was expended that the speed would slow down. The agent did not however set the proper expectation as to how much streaming could be done within the customers monthly data allotment.
This was an agent who quit shortly after finishing training. We will make sure that the new hire groups are properly trained on setting expectations.
I do apologize that we did not properly set expectations for you during the call. Thank you for bringing this to our attention so that we may improve our training. Please check your private messages in the top right corner of the community page as I've sent you a PM to further address your concerns.
satlaites is not designed for streaming data via this service. that is where fios or somaother service would be beter served
RebekahWilson wrote:I read a few other posts about people who were misinformed by their sales rep in order to get them to sign up for service. Similarly, I was told that if I am streaming Netflix and Hulu every day, as well as getting on social medias, I would have plenty of data--and not run out--on a 20 GB plan. Because I knew nothing about internet data, I trusted and believed her, agreeing to a contract based on her information...and, of course, I was out of data within a week each month after the first month of unlimited data. I live alone and literally take everthing off wifi access, except for the device I am using, in order to preserve data--still running out within a week, even using the data saver feature. Is there hope to get out of this contract, without financial pentalty, due to being told I would be getting a certain service that I did not recieve?
Please, please send this to someone who can help. I do not know who to contact who can truly help.
skimouse31, strange, streaming works fine for me over satellite, as do video calls with are even more sensitive to satellite communication.
- Liz8 years agoModerator
Hi RebekahWilson,
Thanks for posting and welcome to the community! I've pulled up your account to address your concerns and we can certainly put in a request to have your sales call reviewed to determine if proper expectaions were set during the call.
While streaming is certainly possible on the HughesNet service, one should take care in managing their data allowance. Streaming in HD will use considerably more data than streaming in SD. In addition, there are plenty of other possible sources on your network that can use data without your knowledge. For more info about unidentified data usage, please check this out.
Your patience and understanding are much appreciated while your sales call review request is processed.
- RebekahWilson8 years agoFreshman
I keep the data saver on at all times and only keep one device connected to the wifi at all times. I also have all my streaming service set to not allow video to stream anything higer than SD quality anyway...which I shouldn't have to do with the prices I pay for this internet..but I do nonetheless. I live alone, so I am able to keep tabs on what is connected. I also disable apps running in the backround/updating automatically so that the only things using the wifi are the things I indend at any given time. I can assure you that I know how to confine my data usage to just what I am doing--sceduling updates and other large downloads for bonus hours and all that jazz-even unplugging my smart TV's from the walls when not in use, turning the WIFI off computers when putting them to sleep..I don't even give guests wifi access (which makes me the worst host ever, by the way). I use up data simply because I am an average adult--the average adult streams about 35 hours of video every week. About half of that, at least, being done at home over wifi. And, of course, I've been having issues that I keep having to call for service about--I'm getting less than 15 mbps download speeds at all times (usually between 0-5)--even when I have my own data. Every once in a while, during the middle of a weekday, I'll get normal speeds. (and hughesnet support already agreed that my speeds are not just "peak time" slowness). They have thought they fixed it multiple times with my having to call back a day or two later to report the problem is back. Since the day of installation, my internet experience has been a nightmare. I've had multiple people come over and test the wifi, all concluding that though Suddenlink is "the worst," they have actually found something far worse..I've made my friends grateful for Suddenlink.
- GabeU8 years agoDistinguished Professor IV
How are your speeds with something that is directly connected to the modem via LAN cable?
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