Forum Discussion
Doesn't a service contract works BOTH WAYS??
The section where you placed your post is only for stuff about this website, not for tech or account support. You may want to repost under myAccount and Billing or Tech Support.
You may also want to clarify how you think HN is not honoring their contract. The service agreement does not specify how soon they must send a repairman to your location. It also states that " Stated speeds and uninterrupted use of service are not guaranteed."
Yas wrote:I started my service July 2018. My service has been down 3 times - basically monthly. My latestest outage started the weekend of 12/1. I requested a repair tech and it was schedule for 12/10 (totally unacceptable to wait 10 days for a repair). I called on 12/6 and not only the operator (Sofia Lopez) hung up on me, then I called again and ended up with her again and I requested to speak to a supervisor and was told "they were in a emergency meeting" at 8pm CST. They were supposed to call me back and I have yet to receive such a call back.
I should not be obligated to stay in a contract with a company that is clearly not providing their side of the deal. I pay on time, promptly without hesitation or question, I should receive the same thing back. I understand things happen and service do get affected but once a month? Waiting 10 days for a repair person?
I have a small business that I depend on to suplement income for my household. My business is 100% reliable on the internet. The fact that the service is so ireliable has already cost me partnerships in business that represented over $500 a month of income loss and now being down 10+ days is costing me time, money and customers. If they can't provide the service they are advertising and being paid for then I should be allowed to walk away of the contract because is clear that I am holding my part of the deal but they cannot.
Oh yeah, and I called today as well, was put on hold 3 times to "wait for a supervisor" who never got on the phone, then was promised a call back (4 hrs ago) that has not happened. So now I wait for not 1 but 2 callbacks while my service is down and I continue to loose income.
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